Elderly & End of Life Care for Muslims in the UK report launch

The Muslim Council of Britain launched a report yesterday which presents findings on elderly care, end-of-life care and after-death considerations from a faith perspective, based on work undertaken by the Muslim Council of Britain and the Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge. It identifies gaps in service delivery and proposes steps that can contribute to elderly well-being.

Key themes emerging from this report are:

  • The forecast increase in the elderly population at times of crises in adult social care, care home provision and recruitment of care workers.
  • Persisting health inequalities in society, which if left unaddressed will impact on care demands in the future.
  • Factors in the poor uptake of end of life services within Muslim communities.Opportunities for collaborative working.
  • The challenges facing individuals in planning for care and related financial issues.

To read the report, please visit mcb.org.uk/report/elderly-and-end-of-life-care-for-muslims-in-the-uk/