Carers UK research report – State of Caring 2019

Each year Carers UK surveys thousands of carers to find out about the impact of caring on their lives and provide a snapshot of what it’s like to be a carer in their State of Caring Report. They published their findings in the State of Caring 2019 report  back in July.

This years research paints a picture of an underfunded social care system that is taking its toll on families and their finances. The research also gives us a clear view of carers’ experiences that can be used to inform policy and practice.

The survey found that 39% of people are struggling to make ends meet and more than two thirds (68%) of carers are also using their own income or savings to cover the cost of care, equipment or products for the person they care for. As a result many (53%) are unable to save for their own retirement.

Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said:

As it stands, providing unpaid care is pushing thousands of families into poverty and is having a lasting impact on their finances and quality of life.Our current social care system is on the brink. Families urgently need affordable, high quality care services and carers need access to regular breaks and stronger workplace rights to ensure they can combine work and care if they wish to.

They will be using carers’ experiences of the NHS to inform NHS England as they begin to implement new commitments to better prepare carers and those they support for emergencies.

They are also starting an exciting new project with Sport England to look at ways that carers’ wellbeing can be improved by supporting carers to get a little more physically active. This evidence will be invaluable in informing this work.

The report details carers’ experiences of getting practical support, technology, health and wellbeing and their ability to plan for the future.