Call for Evidence: Barriers for marginalised groups to accessing breast screening

In England, breast screening is currently offered at 3-yearly intervals to women aged from 50 up to their 71st birthday, but the NHS breast screening programme has been experiencing decreasing uptake over a number of years.

The National LGB&T Partnership, in collaboration with Health and Wellbeing Alliance members Friends, Families and Travellers, FaithAction, Race Equality Foundation, Mental Health Consortia and Win Win Alliance, and supported by Public Health England, are working on a project which will identify reasons why some people are not attending for breast screening.

What do we need from you?

We are asking you to share any research, investigations, projects or information you have conducted or are aware of which relates to barriers to accessing screening and preventative care for marginalised groups. We are interested in the experiences of people covered by all 7 main protected characteristics* (age, disability, gender reassignment/trans status, race/ethnicity, religion or belief, sex/gender, sexual orientation), 5 health inequality areas (Gypsy/Roma/Travellers, vulnerable migrants, homeless people, people in contact with the criminal justice system, sex workers), and mental illness, people without English as a first language, people with caring responsibilities and people with experience of sexual violence and/or trauma.

How to contribute

Please send any documents and/or links to: [email protected] by October 25th.

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