Health Webinars

Please see below for a series of Health Webinars by NCVO.

  • 5 Nov 2pm-3pm Supporting communities to stay well and access support over the winter months
    • Speakers – Emma Easton NHSE&I, Jo Boswell CAB Manchester
  • 22 Nov 11am-12pm Primary Care Networks: an introduction for local VCSE organisations
    • Speakers – Olivia Butterworth NHSE&I, another TBC
  • January (time and date TBC) Social prescribing and inclusion
    • Speakers – Bev Taylor NHSE&I, another TBC

The details for the Supporting Communities Webinar are already up on NAVCO’S events webpage, please check for further updates on the others.

What is a webinar?

A webinar is an online seminar. You will usually need a computer that is connected to the internet, and a telephone. You will see PowerPoint slides presented on your computer screen, and there is usually an opportunity to type in a ‘chat’ box at the side of the screen if you have any questions. In order to hear the presenter and participants, you can either phone in to the meeting, or request that the meeting automatically phones you, which is free, even to a mobile. You hear the meeting audio over your phone, like a conference call, while watching your screen. You can usually ask questions or make comments if you want to, but you don’t have to if you want to just listen.

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