Day on Faith and Mental Health – Transformation Cornwall

Transformation Cornwall held a Day on Faith and Mental Health on the 5th of October to raise awareness and promote discussion among faith groups in Cornwall and the Cornish Mental Health Community.

The day was held at Truro Methodist Church with approximately 110 people attending. The event was an initiative from the Truro Diocese: Mission Forum group, which brings together a wide spectrum of people who are outward looking in the focus and practise of their ministry. The Mission Forum are ecumenical and include those working on Environmental issues, Workplace chaplaincy, Poverty and many other forms of Faith based social action

From the Mission Forum membership, the Day on Faith and Mental Health was hosted by Transformation Cornwall, Truro Diocese, and the Department of Spiritual and Pastoral care at Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

The day was mapped by the attached resources document so people could be guided and follow up work with speakers and local and national initiatives in this area.

The evaluation showed:

  • 91% of respondents rated the day as good or excellent
  • 75% of respondents increased their understanding of the Cornish Faith Community
  • 84% of respondents increased their understanding of mental ill health
  • 77% of respondents gained insight of how faith and mental health connect
  • 87% of respondents will do more work in this area as a result of the event
  • 76% of respondents made contacts to follow up