Coaching offer – for people representing patient and public voice in the NHS

NHS England and NHS Improvement is offering coaching for Patient and Public Voice (PPV) partners as part of its ongoing support offer.

They are offering places to people who are currently involved in the work of NHS England and NHS Improvement or are supporting health and care system transformation programmes (STP, ICS, Primary Care networks, etc.) on a regular basis. The places are aimed at PPV partners who are supporting major changes in health and care services and who would like to further develop their strategic or practical skills and support them to strengthen their voice in their volunteering role.

The coaching will be provided by an accredited employee coach or an employee undertaking this qualification, both would also coach NHS England employees.

This development opportunity is aimed at strengthening patient voice. The offer is for 6 hours coaching including one face-to-face meeting. This opportunity does not attract any type of involvement payment. Expenses incurred would be covered as per expenses guidance; these are expected to be minimal as the majority of the sessions would be conducted by telephone wherever possible.

If you are interested please send an e mail to [email protected] requesting an application form and a guide with more details. As part of your application, you will be asked to include details of your sponsor and a supporting statement from them. The closing date for receipt of completed application forms for this year will be 5th December 2019.