Can you help NICE find lay members to help develop quality standards on a range of different topics?

NICE are looking for people to join a quality standards advisory committee developing and updating a range of their quality standards as a standing lay member.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) produces guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and ill health, and provide social care support. Our guidance is based on research evidence and takes into account the views of people working in or using relevant services, and other stakeholder groups.

They are currently looking for members of the public and their advocates (usually referred to as ‘lay members’ at NICE) to join the quality standards advisory committee who help to develop and/or update NICE quality standards on a range of different health and social care topics.

See the recruitment advert for details of what working with the committee involves, the kind of experience and knowledge they are looking for, and how to apply.

Recruitment is open until 5pm on Wednesday 11 December.