Survey: Partnerships between NHS Trusts and VCSE

NAVCA, the national membership body for local sector support and development organisations, are working with NHS England and NHS Improvement to conduct some research into partnerships between NHS Trusts and organisations within the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.

More specifically, the research aims to understand examples of these partnerships, how they come about, what supports them and the impact that they achieve. This is all with a view to making practical recommendations for how people can be supported in both the voluntary and public sectors and improve partnerships.

This survey forms an important part of this research and will be vital to creating recommendations in the final report. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete and your time in completing this will be greatly appreciated.

Survey Link

This survey is for those working within VCSE:

The deadline for completion of this survey is Monday 2nd December.


The survey, along with other research, will be presented and discussed at a workshop in Birmingham on Wednesday January 15th. The workshop will be a mixture of people from the public and voluntary sector and will help to inform recommendations in the final report in March 2020. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please let them know with an email to [email protected] with subject Partnership Scoping Workshop, or complete your name and email at the end of the survey.

If you have any problems completing the survey or wish to discuss this or the wider research further, please contact [email protected]