Cervical Cancer prevention week

This Week (20-26 January) is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week – a national campaign to raise awareness about how people can reduce their risk of cervical cancer. Every woman with learning disabilities should have access to cervical screening on the same basis as other women, but she may need help from someone she trusts and feels safe with when talking about sexual health and deciding if she needs a smear test. This could be a support worker, her mother or other family member, friend, advocate or health care professional.

Beyond Words’ story Keeping Healthy ‘Down Below’ is about preparing a woman with learning disabilities for a smear test (cervical screening) and helping her to make her own decision about whether or not to have it done.

Keeping Healthy ‘Down Below’ was updated with new pictures and text last year and is available as both a book and an ebook: http://bit.ly/2F3XaTD

They have also published ‘An Easy Guide to Cervical Screening‘. This picture-based leaflet can be downloaded from our website for FREE: http://bit.ly/BWdownload
Please share and make use of these resources next week, and help reduce health inequalities for women with learning disabilities.