Young Carers Awareness Day, 30th January 2020

Today is Young Carers Awareness Day, an annual event led by Carers Trust, to raise awareness of the challenges faced by young carers and campaigns for greater support for them.

Recent research shows that as many as 1 in 5 secondary school children may be a young carer. For many, caring begins at a much younger age. Caring for someone can be isolating, worrying and stressful. For young carers, this can negatively impact on their experiences of education, having a lasting effect on their life chances. Research shows that young carers do substantially less well than their peers in formal exams.

Carers Trust wants all young carers to get the help and support they need to do well in their education so that no young carer is left behind.

How can I support the Count Me In! campaign?

  • You can get involved with #YoungCarersAwarenessDay on social media, sharing the hashtag and spreading the word.
  • Carers Trust have free resources on their website which can help you get involved and campaign for greater support for young carers and their needs.

For further information, please follow this link to the Carers Trust website: