New ‘Opt Out’ Organ Donation System

From 20th May 2020, the new ‘opt out’ law for organ donation will be implemented in England.

This means that the current ‘opt in’ organ donation system will become an ‘opt out’ system. All adults in England will be considered as having agreed to donate their own organs when they die, unless they have made a decision that they do not want to be a donor, or are in an excluded group.

Donating organs will remain a personal decision. While the new system starts in May, people will continue to be able to record their decision to opt out at any point. It’s important that everyone takes the time to discuss their choices on donation with their families, whatever their preference may be.

The simplest way to record a decision is on the NHS Organ Donor Register website, available at: However, it is also possible to tell a friend or family member or record it in writing.