Coronavirus – Guidance from Across the Sector

Charities from all over the UK have been compiling and creating their own guidance on tackling the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This includes information on the virus, as well as ways that we as a community can support each other during this time.

The Men’s Health Forum

The Men’s Health Forum have their own FAQ advice page on Coronavirus. To view this, please click here.

Carers UK

Carers UK have a page full of guidance for carers specifically. Please click here to visit their web page.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact [email protected]

Homeless Link

Homeless Link also have a dedicated page for advice and recommendations for action in regards to supporting those who are homeless in the UK. Please click here to visit this page.

The National Survivor User Network

The National Survivor User Network aims to help people who experience mental distress and mental health issues. They have their own web page on the coronavirus topic. Please click here to view it.

Friends Families and Travellers

Friends Families and Travellers have their own guidance on tackling coronavirus, alongside advice for local authorities, site managers etc. To visit their web page, please click here.

They also have advice for people who live on Traveller sites on what to do if they think they have coronavirus. Please click here to access this.