Charity Digital: How to become a digital leader overnight

Charity Digital have written an article How to Become a Digital Leader Overnight

The extraordinary events of the last few weeks have been a heavy burden for leaders. There are many difficult decisions ahead. And through it all, leaders must move rapidly to help their charities shapeshift to deliver what they need to do, often digitally. Some have been thrown into running virtual organisations overnight. Staff are working remotely, fundraising events must be moved online and digital service delivery will become a priority.

COVID-19 will change how charities use digital and where they need support to do it. We need to hear about your experience of this for The Charity Digital Skills Report so that we can make the case for where the sector needs help to operate digitally in these difficult times. We’ve added new questions to the end of the survey to do this.

For some, the accelerated digital evolution of their charities may feel uncomfortable. We need to recognise this and press ahead. If we can weather the storm as a sector and embrace digital to get us through it we could emerge stronger, more relevant and in a better position to make a difference.

Share your views on the digital leadership issues affecting charities in The Charity Digital Skills Report with Skills Platform. All responses must be received by midnight 3 April.

You can share your views by visiting their website. Please click follow this link to read the full article and to comment –