Green Doctors: expert energy advice

Green Doctors are expert energy advisers who help London residents save money, stay warm, and improve energy efficiency in the home. Due to the circumstances we are living in today, they have moved the delivery of their successful energy advice service online and over the phone.

They believe that good quality energy advice and support at this time is more important than ever. Many vulnerable residents may be self-isolating during this period which will have many knock-on effects: they may be using more energy than normal as they are at home; they might be concerned about their income; they might be struggling to find a way to top-up their meter and more broadly may also be lacking in social contact.

They therefore plan to deliver our events/advice service online/by phone and webinar until advice around social contact has changed.

If you are interested in this, please visit the following link, where you can self-refer for a telephone consultation with one of their Green Doctors who can provide tailored advice to individuals’ circumstances.