Volunteers, your NHS needs YOU!

The NHS is “rallying the troops” for the war on coronavirus, with volunteers being called up to help vulnerable people stay safe and well at home. Could you be one of them?

We know that, as members of faith communities, you will all have been trying to find ways to offer a helping hand at this time of crisis, but have probably felt very limited by the restrictions on social contact. We are also aware that, sadly, many of you may have lost your employment at this time and therefore your ability to play your part. For this reason we’re excited to let you know about this opportunity with the NHS.

The nation is looking for up to 250,000 volunteers to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions.

Members of the public can sign up quickly and easily at goodsamapp.org/NHS to become NHS Volunteer Responders

You could be called on to do simple but vital tasks such as:

  • delivering medicines from pharmacies;
  • driving patients to appointments;
  • bringing them home from hospital;
  • or making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home.

NHS Volunteer Responders is not intended to replace local groups helping their vulnerable neighbours but is an additional service provided by the NHS.

FaithAction’s National Executive Director, Daniel Singleton, says,

“This is a great opportunity to boost the volunteer workforce. The NHS has been at pains to work alongside existing faith and VCSE organisations and not to cut across what is already happening. There is an opportunity to carry on with existing serving and to work in this scheme as well.

For further information please contact the NHS England and NHS Improvement media team on [email protected] or 01138 250958/9. To read the full article, please click here.