Improving wellbeing impacts and outcomes for volunteers

What Works Wellbeing are asking you to send them your evaluations and reports on the wellbeing impacts and outcomes for volunteers.

What Works Wellbeing knows this is a challenging time for voluntary organisations, and they understand you likely have unprecedented time and financial pressures. Their goal is to find out how to better support the wellbeing of volunteers who contribute so much to charities and communities across the country.

To do this, they, along with Spirit of 2012 Trust, have commissioned the Institute for Volunteering Research (IVR) at the University of East Anglia to carry out a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) on volunteering and wellbeing. As part of this project, the research team will bring together the most relevant evidence from academia, policy and evaluation to better understand how volunteering is linked to the wellbeing of volunteers.

If you are involved with an organisation, group or club that works with volunteers, or funds volunteering projects, and have looked at the difference volunteering makes, they want to hear from you.

For further information, please follow this link to visit their website –

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