Guidance for young people on shielding

The government has published new guidance for young people on shielding and protecting people most likely to become unwell if they catch coronavirus.

Some adults and young people have health conditions that mean they are more likely to get very unwell and might have to go to hospital if they catch coronavirus (COVID-19). These people are described as being clinically extremely vulnerable and include those who:

  1. have had a solid organ transplant – kidney, liver, pancreas, heart, or lung;
  2. are having treatments for some cancers;
  3. have severe long-term lung disease including cystic fibrosis and severe asthma;
  4. have rare diseases that increase their risk of infection;
  5. are on medication that compromises their immune system and so are much more likely to get infections and become seriously unwell from them;
  6. are pregnant with significant heart disease.

This guidance is for all adults and young people who are most likely to become very unwell if they catch coronavirus (COVID-19), wherever they live or usually spend their time. This could be:

  • in their own home;
  • in a care home;
  • at school;
  • at a special school (for example, a school for young people with special educational needs);
  • at university.

This guidance was developed by young people, who were supported by the Young People’s Health Partnership and other youth orgnisations including the NHS Youth Forum, iwill, and RCOCH&Us, and Public Health England.

To read the guidance, please click here.