The Big Thank You to Volunteers

When it comes to volunteers in the NHS saying “Thank you” is a very important way to celebrate their work.

Which is why they want to shout from the rooftops about the amazing work volunteers in our NHS do every single day. With your help, they can shine a light on those dedicated and caring individuals who give their time and talents to help staff and support patients, families and carers.

The Helpforce Big Thank You to Volunteers, kindly sponsored by Deloitte, is your opportunity to celebrate and share the invaluable contributions made by volunteers across the UK.

Outstanding innovation and responding to Covid 19

This category recognises the contributions and achievements of an innovative idea or scheme involving volunteers that have made a significant contribution to the staff and patients in health care over the past 12 months. It also recognises specific volunteering innovations that helped frontline staff cope with the difficult circumstances they were working in during the peak of the crisis.

Do you know a volunteer who is a role model, worked against the odds, and shown courage and commitment in their role supporting patients and staff? If so, please send in their story.

Going the extra mile

This category celebrates a volunteer who has gone above and beyond expectations in their volunteering role during the year, and made a noticeable impact on the experience of staff, patients, or both. It also celebrates a dedicated member of staff within health care who has led and championed volunteers, or has a core responsibility for managing and coordinating volunteering. They’d love to see examples of leaders who have improved the ways volunteers support staff and patients, those who have gone the extra mile.

Teamwork & bringing people together

This category recognises excellent teamwork and combined contribution from volunteers and staff working together. Whether the group worked on an event or project, they have achieved significant success as a collaborative team. It also recognises the importance and value of bringing health care volunteers together with other organisations in hospitals and the wider community. If you know a dynamic team who proves that more hands are better than one, tell them about their outstanding teamwork. The group may have worked on an event or project, and have achieved significant success as a team.

Encouraging Inclusion & Diversity

This category celebrates successful approaches to inclusion; projects or schemes that positively promote ethnicity, disability, refugees, the homeless, or carers for example, within their volunteering strategy. They want to see examples of how an inclusive approach has brought benefits to volunteers, staff, patients and the community.

Here’s to the amazing volunteers that make a difference – it’s time to celebrate them. Send your story now. Submissions close on the 15th September 2020

You can find further information here