Carers Trust Survey for Unpaid Carers

Carers Trust have a new survey for unpaid carers, to help them understand your needs and influence the future support available to unpaid carers from the government.

This survey is part of a wider campaign Carers Trust will be running later in the year. The campaign in England will highlight:

  • the UK’s broken social care system,
  • the failure of successive Westminster-based governments to properly fund social care
  • the severe pressure this is putting on millions of unpaid carers
  • what support unpaid adult carers need so they can continue in their caring role without becoming isolated, exhausted and at risk financially.

This survey of unpaid adult carers will give Carers Trust the information it needs for its campaign. They will be able to say that they have heard from unpaid adult carers right across the UK. And that they have told us:

  • what government support unpaid carers need to continue in their caring role
  • and what sort of reform of the social care system will support carers like you most effectively.

The campaign will primarily target Westminster government and decision-makers as the UK government.

And the more carers that take the survey, the more powerful the findings will be that they present to decision-makers and use in the campaign.

Please see more information on the Carers Trust survey here.

The survey will close at 10pm on Sunday 18 October.


To complete the survey, please click here