New Report: Musculoskeletal conditions and Black, Asian and minority ethic people: addressing health inequalities

FaithAction have worked in partnership as part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance on a new report launched by Race Equality Foundation (REF): Musculoskeletal conditions and Black, Asian and minority ethnic people: addressing health inequalities.

Some Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in the UK are disproportionality represented due to risk factors for musculoskeletal conditions such as physical activity, vitamin D deficiency, poverty, socio economic factors, working in manual jobs and pre existing health conditions such as diabetes. A literature review carried out by the REF found shows that black and minority ethnic people are more likely to have some conditions, such as lupus and sickle cell disease, and have poorer experience of services.

The report contains examples and suggestions of better practice, such as targeted and supported lifestyle interventions, better communication and a reduced dependence on medication.

You can access a series of infographics that summarise the findings of focus group interviews, the literature review and qualitative finds here.