Does ‘telemedicine’ have a role in delivering voluntary sector services in prisons?

Following the webinar that Clinks hosted in partnership with NHSE/I and Chantal Edge, a public health researcher who has assisted NHS England Health and Justice with roll-out of telemedicine in prisons, Chantal has written a blog.

The blog outlines the benefits of telemedicine in prisons for access to healthcare, and outlines the ways that the voluntary sector felt they could use telemedicine to engage with their services both during and beyond COVID-19. This comes into the NHS’ wider thinking around digital inclusion in healthcare for people in contact with the criminal justice system.

The voluntary sector felt they could use telemedicine in prisons for:

  • Housing assessments
  • Psychosocial support
  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Substance misuse services
  • Preparation for rehab
  • Through the gate prep
  • Remote key-working
  • Antenatal groups
  • Counselling

They are hoping that the voluntary sector are able to utilise this digital tool to improve access to healthcare for people in prison.

To read the blog, please click here.