New report from Age UK on impact of COVID-19 on health

Age UK have published a report highlighting the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic on older people’s physical and mental health.

This study reinforces what Age UK has been frequently hearing from older people during the last six months: that many are deeply afraid of COVID-19 – and understandably so. As a result, even though the number of COVID cases reduced over the summer, a significant proportion of older people still stayed at or close to home. Now that cases are rising again they will be all the more cautious.

To understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on older people’s physical and mental health Age UK consulted with older people, their friends, families, and loved ones. Their research was made up of a survey promoted across the Age UK social media channels for two weeks in August 2020. The survey was completed by 569 people- 369 respondents were older people themselves and 20 answered on behalf of an older person.

To read the report, please click here.