Volunteer wellbeing: what works and who benefits?

What Works for Wellbeing Centre’s have published a rapid evidence review on volunteer wellbeing.

Most people in Great Britain – around seven in ten – formally volunteer through a group, club or organisation at some point in their lives. Currently, one in five people volunteer at least once a month and most get involved locally in their own neighbourhoods. Many more give their time in more informal ways in communities, for example, shopping or caring for neighbours.

Volunteers offer invaluable support. But how can volunteering help support the wellbeing of volunteers themselves?

There is a growing body of research on the links between volunteering and wellbeing, and our review brought the most relevant studies together in one place. What Works for Wellbeing focused on the experience of adult formal volunteers, and looked at the key factors involved in improving wellbeing through volunteering.

To read the report, please click here.