Make your voice heard: how should Government engage with faith groups in England?

Last year, Colin Bloom was appointed as Faith Engagement Adviser at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). In this role Colin Bloom will lead a review into how best the Government should engage with faith groups in England.

On 13th November 2020, he launched a Call for Evidence to help provide both qualitative and quantitative data to support the work he is doing. He would particularly like to hear from:

  • Members of the public who identify as having a religion, or people who have a faith.
  • Faith and religious leaders (voluntary or professional) in places of worship of faith-based organisations (FBOs) and charities.
  • Public servants such as civil servants, teachers, the police and healthcare workers.
  • Anyone who is or has been engaged with the British Military in any capacity.
  • Anyone who is or has been engaged in the Criminal Justice System in any capacity.

You can find the Call for Evidence page by clicking here.

The Call for Evidence can be completed anonymously and has been purposefully designed to allow anyone who is uncomfortable sharing personal information to still be able to provide their views in an anonymous way. There is also an option to leave your contact details if you wish to do so.

Please help by completing this call for evidence and sharing it with anyone who you think would like to contribute.

Click here to submit evidence