SAFE webinars on safety awareness for places of worship

SAFE (Security Advice for Everyone) – a programme by Community Security Trust (CST) – have released a schedule of free safety awareness webinars throughout January and February, which are now open for registration.

  • 19th January, 7pm – Online security
    How to protect yourself and your community from online threats
    Register Here
  • 21st January, 2pm – Basic security
    An introduction to security for places of worship and faith communities
    Register Here
  • 25th January, 7pm – Organising security
    Security and risk management, and how to develop a security plan
    Register Here
  • 28th January, 7pm – Security – why? A brief history of terrorism
    The evolution of terrorism, recent and current threats and how SAFE can put you on the path to improved security
    Register Here
  • 2nd February, 7pm-  Past terror attacks – lessons learned
    The phases of an attack and how we can learn from past incidents to foil future attacks
    Register Here
  • 8th February, 7pm – Hate crime and your community
    How to deal with racial and religious hatred – especially in the digital age
    Register Here
  • 11th February, 7pm – Basic security
    An introduction to security for places of worship and faith communities
    Register Here
  • 17th February, 7pm – Online security
    How to protect yourself and your community from online threats
    Register Here
  • 23rd February, 7pm – Organising security
    Security and risk management, and how to develop a security plan
    Register Here

If you need any help, please contact [email protected]