Lakeland priest, 91, praised for a lifetime of faith service

A man who has led a life of faith and devotion to his community has been praised for his work across Cumbria.

Retired Roman Catholic priest Monsignor Francis Slattery, 91, from Windermere, has been involved in interfaith work in Cumbria since 2002. His work has earned him popularity, as well as built him a reputation for honesty and humility.

Nominated by Guy Tirvengadum, chair of South Lakeland Equality & Diversity Partnership on behalf of the organisation, Monsignor Slattery was described as an exemplary priest, gentle in speech, and someone who never criticises anyone.

Guy said:

“At 91 he may be the oldest person to lead events in Inter Faith Week and WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week.

His contribution to local interfaith and multifaith work was recognised by the presentation of a framed map of Jerusalem to him at his home in Windermere, by the Rev John Hetherington, secretary of SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith Forum, on September 24 2008.

He was the first local person to run an event for WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week in February 2017. The 2019 WIHW celebrations included a celebration of his 90th birthday.

International acknowledgement of this can be seen on the World Interfaith Harmony Week website.”

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