National Voices’ Health Inequity Conference

At the end of last year National Voices announced their online conference: How Can We Dismantle Health Inequity Together? National Voices’ conference to realise the power of the voluntary sector.

Health inequity was a major issue even before the pandemic hit. But COVID-19 has made pre-existing health inequities starker and generated fresh injustice. They want to explore what the VCSE sector role is in addressing the causes, rather then the effects of structural inequity.

Morning sessions (9.30-10.30am) will host keynote speakers from across politics, health and care as well as the voluntary sector. Speakers so far include:

  • Sir Michael Marmot
  • Jo Bibby (Health Foundation)
  • Dr Halima Begum (Runnymede Trust)
  • Emma Stone (Good Things Foundation)
  • Dr Bola Owolabi (NHSE/I)

with more to be confirmed.

Afternoon events (1-2pm and 2.15-3.15pm) will feature sessions run by National Voices members, making three sessions a day. The new dates, as well as topics of discussion, are as follows:

2 March 2021: Building Back Fairer: reframing the conversation around poverty and health.
9 March 2021: Mobilising people to combat racial inequality: the power of voice.
16 March 2021: Bridging the digital divide: partnering up to combat digital exclusion.
23 March 2021: What now? How we can take action together.


To register for the conference, please click here