Survey: Faith and coercive control

The Centre for Gender and Violence Research at the University of Bristol has been funded by the Oak Foundation for a wide-ranging programme of work on coercive control, including a strand looking at faith.

This strand is led by Dr Nadia Aghtaie and Dr Andrea Matolcsi and builds on their earlier work for the Justice, Inequality and Gender Based Violence Project, directed by Professor Marianne Hester.

They are seeking respondents who have experienced or witnessed coercive control within a faith context: the survey is anonymous and solicits both quantitative and qualitative information. For those who wish, and are willing to provide a contact email, they are also inviting respondents to register interest in being interviewed in the Spring and/or to be contacted should they wish to see project outputs. Any such contact information will then be separated from the survey data to maintain confidentiality.

To complete the survey, please click here.


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