NHS England Mind The Gap Project: Shared Learning Webinar

NHS England are holding a Commitment to Carers programme webinar on Wednesday 16th June 2021, 1:30pm-3:30pm.

Mind The Gap aims to support Integrated Care Systems to deliver on the Long-Term Plan Commitment to improve the identification and support of carers from vulnerable communities that are less likely to use and/or have positive experiences of services.

Organisations and Integrated Care Systems will be sharing  their findings, learnings and recommendations from the 2020 scoping exercise. They will also be launching the 2nd phase of the project, encouraging organisations and their local Integrated Care Systems to submit bids to embed the findings, recommendations and carry out more scoping.

The audience will be made up of carers (who will also be sharing their experiences), inequalities and migrant health leads, voluntary sector organisations, carers organisations, external project evaluators and carers leads from STP/ICS localities.

To register your interest or if you have any questions please email: [email protected] before Monday 7th June.