Webinar: Homeless Link – National Day Centre’s Meeting – Leaving Lockdown

This webinar organised by Homeless Link will provide information and discussion around running a homeless day centre as we exit national lockdown. It takes place on Thursday 15 July at 2pm.

It is an opportunity for frontline workers in day centres across England to share experiences, discuss good practice and make connections with colleagues from other services as the impending date for moving to step 4 of COVID-19 restrictions approaches.

With the impending date for England moving to Step 4 of COVID-19 restrictions being 19th July this session is aimed to discuss practical solutions for managing the change in rules. As well as having some brief presentation at the beginning there will be space for everyone to share their plans, good practice and concerns as we move forward into new territory.


  • Public Health England – Covid Safe Settings – Richard Chidwick
  • The Foxton Day Centre, Preston – Cath Coffey

You can find out more and register here.