Research on Men’s Sheds, mental health and loneliness

Researchers at the University of East Anglia are launching a new project to see how Men’s Sheds can improve mental health and loneliness.

Men’s Sheds are community spaces for men and women to come together, work shoulder-to-shoulder on projects, learn and share skills and build social connections.

The UEA team will investigate how being part of a Shed community impacts mental health and loneliness, and they are looking for ‘Shedders’ around the UK to take part. They hope to better understand the role of social prescribing—when health professionals refer patients to support in the community to improve their health and wellbeing.

The project has been funded by the UCL Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network and will be carried out in collaboration with Men’s Sheds and the UK Men’s Shed Association.

The research team will look at the best ways to measure how being part of the Shed community helps with loneliness, mental health and wellbeing. Shed members will undertake two online questionnaires, and some will be invited to be interviewed.

If you are part of a Shed in the UK, you can take part in this study by signing up here.