Groundswell launch the Listen Up! Hub

Groundswell, part of the Homeless Health Consortium, a VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance group, have launched the Listen Up! Hub.

It’s inhumane that people experiencing homelessness face barriers to healthcare and are more likely to die young. The Listen Up! hub collates raw reports on the experiences, concerns and feedback of people experiencing homelessness – a network of trained community reporters living all around the UK who are using their mobile phones to document their stories.

The hub will elevate the reporters’ important stories, challenge stereotypes, and ultimately help decision makers end these harmful health inequalities. It is part of Groundswell’s wider Listen Up! Project, working in collaboration with On Our Radar, funded by Comic Relief.

You can join the movement by signing up to the mailing list for regular hub reports, research findings and event information. You can also read reports and find more information here. Please note: some of the reports on the hub deal with topics some readers may find triggering. The site is not suitable for younger readers.

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