Suicide Prevention Consortium report: Insights from experience: alcohol and suicide

The Suicide Prevention Consortium, part of the Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have published a briefing, Insights from experience: alcohol and suicide, outlining findings and recommendations from their lived experience work looking at experiences of alcohol, suicide and self-harm, and a two-page summary.

Based on survey responses from 125 people with lived experience and 33 practitioners, the briefing highlights four key findings and associated recommendations, adding value to the existing evidence base in this area.

Key themes include the complex and varied relationships between alcohol and suicidality, the need for services to take a holistic approach – treating the ‘whole person’ – and the importance of compassionate care including when alcohol is a factor in a suicide attempt. Recommendations focus on integration, personalisation and improved staff awareness / understanding, alongside the need for more investment and specialist expertise.

You can find out more and access the publications on the Samaritans website. If you have any questions about the report, please contact [email protected].