NHS England and NHS Improvement: Carer-focussed Rapid-learning Pandemic Legacy Projects
The Commitment to Carers Programme is looking for bids from VCSE organisatations on the theme of capturing learning and best practices around supporting unpaid carers/family members during the COVID pandemic response. They wish to capture any innovative approaches developed within communities and they wish to fund projects to evaluate, sustain, communicate and spread best practice.
They are particularly interested in gathering learning from Community-based organisations that have been working with local authorities or primary care networks/ social prescribing link workers, within specific vulnerable or disadvantaged communities and where family-centred approaches are being used.
The Projects chosen will have to demonstrate current knowledge and commitment to the carer’s agenda and/or a workplan that shows a commitment to improvement. Where there are more bids than available funds projects will be selected to provide a broad cross-section of project content; size, geographies, health inequalities, economic disadvantage and diverse community coverage to maximise opportunities for shared learning, adoption and spread.
Grants of up to £10,000 are available, and projects will need to be completed by 28th April 2022 with a final project report submitted.
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Monday 31st January. Download the relevant files below: