Webinars: Good Governance for Faith Charities

The Charity Commission is the regulator of charities in England and Wales. The Faith Charities Outreach Team will be delivering a series of webinars for faith charities, such as places of worship and supplementary schools.

  • Are you a faith charity trustee or manager?
  • Do you know what your legal responsibilities as a charity are?
  • How can you stop things going wrong?

These webinars will provide an overview of key topics, signpost to additional guidance and explain what the Faith Charities Outreach team can do to support you. The content will mainly be relevant to representatives of places of worship, religious supplementary schools and their umbrellas. The webinars may also be helpful to other types of faith charity, depending on the nature of your work. For more information, please email: [email protected]

You can register for the webinars here.