Locality & Power to Change Webinar: Community of Practice for local VCSE organisations

Fellow VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance members Locality, with Power to Change, are working with NHS England and Improvement and other Alliance members to learn how community organisations and businesses, and the wider VCSE, can work better with their local PCNs to deliver high quality, person-centred and community-based care.

As part of this, they’re establishing an online ‘Community of Practice’ where both VCSE organisations and PCNs can meet to share ideas on how to best collaborate, through online discussion forums, webinars, and resource sharing.

Locality will be running a webinar at 3pm on Thursday 9th December to launch their online ‘Community of Practice’ (CoP) for local VCSE organisations and PCNs. Through the CoP, both VCSE organisations and PCNs will be able to meet to share ideas on how to best collaborate, through online discussion forums, webinars, and resource sharing.

The launch webinar is open to all and will be a chance for interested parties to find out how they can get involved.

You can read more information and register for the webinar here.