ONS Conference: Understanding the cost of living through statistics

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) are holding a conference on understanding the cost of living through statistics on 25th October 2022, from 9.30am – 3pm.

The one-day conference will discuss how the cost of living is impacting the UK economy and what this means for different households, informed by the range of statistics that the ONS produces.

There will also be the opportunity to hear from a panel of guest speakers who will share their organisations’ data driven insights and discuss identified analytical gaps on the cost of living.

Guest speakers include:

  • Ashwin Kumar, Professor of Social Policy, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Morgan Wild, Head of Policy, Citizens Advice
  • Kate Bell, Head of Rights, International, Social and Economics, the Trades Union Congress
  • Cosmina Dorobantu, Co-Director and Policy Fellow, Public Policy Programme, The Alan Turing Institute

This event is for those in government, local authorities, business, charities, community groups, academia and other sectors, who have an interest in learning about and sharing analytical insights on the cost of living, and using data driven evidence to inform policy, strategy and decision making

The conference can be joined online or in person at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Conference Centre in London.

You can find more information here.