Young Carers Action Day 2023

Yesterday was Young Carers Action Day, an annual event organised by Carers Trust.

Earlier this year, Carers Trust carried out a survey of over 1,100 young and young adult carers. The results of the survey have been published, and show that:

  • 56% of respondents to Carers Trust survey say the cost-of-living crisis is always or usually hitting them and their family
  • More than half (51%) of those surveyed report caring for between 20 and 49 hours, while also balancing their studies, work and lives outside of caring
  • 40% either ‘never’ or ‘not often’ get help in school, college or university to balance caring and education work

Carers Trust would appreciate help in supporting and promoting their calls for better support for young and young adult carers. You can share their action asking MPs to pledge their support for young carers, or maybe pledge to support young carers as an individual or organisation.

You can find out more about Young Carers Day and the survey results here.