Security Advice for Everyone Events by CST

Security Advice for Everyone (SAFE) by Community Safety Trust (CST) are holding a number of free events – please see below for details.

19th April at 12pm, Event security for your community (Appropriate security measures to ensure the safety of large numbers of people) with MOPAC London: Registration:

26th April at 7pm, Countering radicalisation and changing mindsets (Protecting against the methodology and tactics used by the proponents of radicalisation):

3rd May at 2pm, Conflict management (Effective communication in high stress situations): Registration:

11th May at 12pm, Women’s safety (Simple tips to keep you safe during your busy daily life): Registration:

17th May at 7pm, Hate crime and your community (How to deal with racial and religious hatred – especially in the digital age): Registration:

24th May at 7pm, Incels, the new face of misogyny? (A look at how the incel culture has moved into the mainstream): Registration:

1st June at 2pm, Online security (How to protect yourself and your community from online threats): Registration:

7th June at 2pm, Organising security – with update on Martyn’s Law (The likely implications of Martyn’s Law, how to develop a security plan and crisis management): Registration:

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]