The Big Help Out, 8th May 2023

Taking place on Bank Holiday Monday 8th May, the Big Help Out is one of the official projects of the upcoming Coronation Weekend. It is a huge public engagement campaign to promote, champion and showcase volunteering on Monday 8 May and following on from that day.

In the UK, millions of people volunteer every day. The Big Help Out is trying to affect a step change in volunteering across the country by making it easy for volunteers to recognise opportunities and get involved. Building on the volunteering phenomenon seen during the pandemic, the Big Help Out aims to inspire a new generation of volunteers, particularly those from backgrounds who don’t traditionally volunteer.

Given the importance of faith communities as sources of volunteering and charitable work in the UK and HM The King’s longstanding commitment to promoting inter-faith collaboration, faith organisations are set to play a significant role in the Big Help Out.

Faith communities across the UK will be taking part in volunteering, including a beach clean led by the Archbishop of Wales, an interfaith community gardening project in Northern Ireland and hot food preparation and service at the Central Gurdwara London, among many others.

The Big Help Out will enable communities of all faiths and none to come together and pay tribute to His Majesty’s lifetime of public service and highlight the central role that volunteering plays in our national story.

Brendan Cox, Co-Founder of the Together Coalition, which is organising the Big Help Out, said:

“The support from over thirty leaders of faith and belief groups, representing millions of people all over the UK, reflects the huge backing for the Big Help Out. The UK’s faith communities excel at volunteering and bringing people together. That’s why are excited about what they can contribute to the Big Help Out. Today’s intervention from senior leaders from the UK’s faith and belief groups, spanning the four nations, is a call to action for the faith communities to build the next generation of volunteers.”

You can find more information here.