NCVO: Time Well Spent 2023

NCVO have published their key findings from the latest Time Well Spent report. New data has shown the impact of COVID-19 and the Cost-of-Living crisis on volunteering and the experiences of those involved.

Headline findings included:

  • Volunteering levels in some key activities have decreased. The number of people organising or helping to run an activity halved from 14% of people surveyed to 7%, with those campaigning on behalf of the group, club or organisation also halving, from 8% to 4%.
  • Whilst 92% say that they are either very or fairly satisfied with their experience of volunteering, volunteers are now more likely to think their volunteering is becoming too much like paid work when compared to 2018. (Up from 19% in 2018 to 26% in 2022)
  • Virtual volunteering – online or over the phone – is now the third most common place to volunteer. 31% of those who volunteered in the last 12 months did at least some of it virtually, with volunteer satisfaction nearly equal among those who did all their volunteering virtually (95%) and those who volunteered face-to-face (93%).

You can read the full report here.