Environmental changes hit people from ethnic minority communities in Britain harder

People from ethnic minority communities in Britain are, on average, more affected by the climate and nature crises than White British people due to profound societal inequity, according to an evidence review by NPC and the Race Equality Foundation as part of the Everyone’s Environment programme.

The findings come in a briefing for charities and funders as part of the Everyone’s Environment programme, a collaboration of over 40 environmental and social charities and funders, on how both climate change and the decline in nature in the UK will impact people from ethnic minority communities.

The Everyone’s Environment initiative is encouraging charities and their funders to better understand the impacts of the changing environment on the communities they serve and what they need to change to support people through the green transition.

The briefing found significant gaps in evaluations of the impact of national government policies on people from ethnic minority communities – particularly on policies to make places greener and help people access nature.

You can find more information and access the full briefing here.