Clinks: The State of the Sector Survey

Clinks, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have published ‘The State of the Sector Survey’, which aims to get a picture of the current challenges facing voluntary sector organisations and some independent practitioners working with people in contact with the criminal justice system and their families in England and Wales.

They will use results from this survey to publish an in-depth report on how voluntary sector organisations working in the criminal justice system are doing, and how the needs of service users are being met. It will also inform the range of support Clinks provides to its membership and networks, and how they work with others, including government departments and agencies, funders, and donors.

Hearing from voluntary sector organisations working in the criminal justice system helps Clinks build the richest picture possible of the voluntary sector in all its breadth and diversity, so they can influence key decision makers on your behalf.

You can access the survey here. For any questions, please contact Franklin Barrington, Policy Officer at Clinks