GLA Voter ID Public Awareness Campaign – Phase 2 #NoVoteNoVoice  

The Voter ID public awareness campaign is getting ready for the 2nd May 2024 Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. The Elections Act (2022) has brought unprecedented changes to the UK voting system, most notably the introduction of photo Voter ID. London already has one of the lowest voter registration rates in England.

Many historically under-registered and under-represented Londoners, who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, face being particularly affected by the changes to civic and democratic rights brought about by the Elections Act. The Voter ID public awareness campaign is coordinated by the GLA, and is strictly non-party political and impartial.

The Voter ID public awareness campaign is a strictly non-party political / impartial project. It is funded and coordinated by the Greater London Authority (the GLA) to address the equalities impact of the Elections Act (2022).

The GLA Democracy Hub have various resources that can be downloaded and shared, including videos and social media assets in community languages.

You can find more information here.