
16 days of action

One in four women and one in six men experience domestic violence or abuse at some point in their life. And many of them will have some contact with a faith community. The period we are currently in – 25 November to 10 December – […]

Thousands take part in Mitzvah Day

Thousands of volunteers, including MPs and celebrities, gathered together last week for Mitzvah Day 2017. The day, which takes place during Inter Faith Week, saw people of all ages and a variety of faiths devote their time – rather than their money – to helping […]

Annual coat collection campaign

City Hindus Network is working with Wrap Up London for their annual coat collection campaign to facilitate the collection of coats for distribution to London’s most vulnerable people during the winter months. Last year, over 20,000 coats were collected and distributed through various homeless charities in the run-up to Christmas. How can you get involved? 1. Donate […]

Brent signs the Faith Covenant

Brent last night became the 10th local area to adopt the Faith Covenant, meaning that over five million people now live in areas covered by a Covenant in one form or another. At a celebration as part of Inter Faith Week, faith leaders and representatives […]

What can faith bring to health?

What is it that faith communities and faith-based organisations provide that helps to support health and wellbeing? This is a question we often grapple with at FaithAction. It’s something our work with the Health and Wellbeing Alliance helps us to explore, and it’s something we […]

What is Community?

FaithAction has been researching the core ‘ingredients’ that make community. We undertook case studies of ten community ‘hubs’, with backgrounds in a variety of faiths and no faith, and analysed them to identify the core themes that make up community. We characterised these themes as: […]