Report: How easy is it for nomadic Gypsies and Travellers to access primary care?

Friends, Families and Travellers, our partners in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, have launched a report: ‘No room at the inn: How easy is it for nomadic Gypsies and Travellers to access primary care?

They found that 24 out of 50 GP practices contacted in England would not register their ‘mystery shopper’. Despite this, every GP practice inspected by the Care Quality Commission was rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ for their work with ‘People whose circumstances may make them vulnerable’.

  • They also found that GP practices were significantly more likely to refuse to register the mystery shopper in urban areas compared to rural areas. GP practices were also significantly more likely to refuse to register the mystery shopper in areas where there are large Gypsy and Traveller populations compared to where there are not.

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