New service user involvement opportunities

Want to get involved in shaping Maternity Services? NHS England and NHS Improvement have new service user involvement opportunities in their Maternity Transformation Programme’s workstream oversight groups, and a new Neonatal Implementation Board.

They are seeking to recruit a Service User Representative for the Maternity Transformation programme’s Sharing Data and Information Workstream. This is a key role in providing the views of people who use maternity services.

This is an exciting opportunity to make a difference to women and their families in England, with the impetus of Better Births and the Maternity Transformation Programme supporting change. The Service User Voice Representative should have either personal experience of using maternity services or be in close contact with service users through a local Maternity Voices Partnership or the national Maternity Voices Partnership network. It will be an incredibly interesting and varied role for someone who is committed to improving maternity services for the benefit of the whole community.

For further information visit our Involvement Hub:

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