British Heart Foundation Focus Group: Health Care During COVID-19

The British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) Policy and Public Affairs team would like to speak to people about their experience of healthcare during the pandemic. The pandemic has had a significant and varied impact on people with heart and circulatory diseases and the services they use. Many services have been lost, reduced or moved online since the pandemic began.

They would like to engage with people with heart and circulatory conditions to build a picture of the impact of COVID-19 and what is needed moving forward, including:

  • Changes to planned care (such as longer waiting times or cancelled appointments)
  • Appointments moving to online
  • Contact with your healthcare team e.g. your GP or named healthcare professional
  • Access to medical help in instances of your condition worsening
  • Access to recovery and support services

BHF will be running a virtual focus group via Zoom on Friday 11th June 11-1pm. 

If you are interested in taking part, please contact [email protected] today and they will send you an expression of interest form to complete.  They will let people know if they are being invited to take part in the focus group by Friday 4th June.