Clinks Report: Understanding the needs and experiences of older people in prison

Clinks and Recoop have come together to publish a report providing valuable evidence on the needs and experiences of older people in prison, with key recommendations for policymakers to influence the development of the older offender strategy.

Based on the lived experiences of older people in prison, this joint work has revealed the particular challenges they face and has highlighted the need for an overarching and consistent approach to meeting these needs. Four key themes were investigated:

  • Ensuring older people are placed in establishments which can meet their needs
  • Access to age appropriate meaningful activity
  • Access to health and care provision which meets multiple and complex health and social care needs
  • Preparing for resettlement in the community upon release or end of life in prison.

The report was commissioned by Clinks through their work as a fellow member of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance.