Race inequality and people with learning disabilities

Race Equality Foundation, a fellow member of the VSCE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, are carrying out research on race inequality and people with learning disabilities.

They are interested in speaking with people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds who have a learning disability, as well as their parents and carers, to talk about their experiences of support and (self) advocacy.

They are particularly keen to speak with young people aged 11-25, as well as their parents/carers in 1-1 discussion sessions. They would also really like to hear from people who live in the following regions:

  • East of England
  • South West
  • East and West Midlands

They are also particularly keen to hear from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic learning disabled people who are from:

  • LGBTQ+ community
  • Roma, Gypsy, Traveller or Mixed heritage backgrounds
  • Single parent families
  • Neurodiverse communities and/or who have additional mental or physical health needs

Each person/family will receive a £10 One4All gift card for taking part.

To take part or for more information, please contact Esther at [email protected] or on 07908134170.